Ballonti Residence
7 blocks containing a total of 298 apartments
Multiple-unit residential building. Private housing.

Ballonti Social Housing Unit
4 blocks containing a total of 100 apartments
Multiple-unit residential building. Social housing

Raqueta Palace
Sports pitches. Urbanization and covering.
Sports facilities. Bilbao Kirolak Sports Centre.

InGRID Tecnalia
Infrastructure for Smart Grids.
Industrial building. Laboratories and offices.

Osakidetza Centre
Health centre
Healthcare facility. Public health service

Swimming Pools and Outdoor Areas
Aqua Luminescent Pool
A swimming pool worthy of any film set

Swimming Pools and Indoor Areas
Simplicity and sophistication pool
Time to swim pool

Family housing.
Residential construction. Private housing.

Alai-Begira Residential Unit
33 buildings containing a total of 66 housing units.
Semi-detached residential construction. Private housing.

Basabe Semi-Detached Housing Units
5 buildings containing a total of 10 housing units.
Semi-detached residential construction. Private housing.

Mikie Montessori
Haurreskola Renovation.
Childhood education centre.

Aramotz Residence
2 blocks containing a total of 52 apartments.
Multiple-unit residential building. Private housing.

Samalde Residence
2 blocks containing a total of 40 apartments.
Multiple-unit residential building. Private housing.

Goietas Building
Block of 32 apartments.
Multiple-unit residential building. Private housing.

Block of 12 apartments.
Multiple-unit residential building. Private housing.